Friday, January 25, 2013

Space Heaters for those with Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity

    I found two brands of space heaters that have worked really well for me and I thought I would write a post on this topic. I have Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (EHS), and devices with an electric motor seem to emit a lot of electromagnetic radiation. For example, blenders, vacuum cleaners, and the electric motors in hybrid cars cause me significant discomfort. The fan in forced air space heaters is powered by an electric motor, and I do not tolerate those types of heaters very well. I do better with radiant heaters. The following two heaters worked well for me:

1. Honeywell baseboard heater (model number: HZ-519):

2. Optimus H-5210 Infrared Quartz Radiant Heater:

     I also have chemical sensitivity, and I could tolerate both types of heaters. However, I did turn the heaters on in the garage for a time until they gassed off sufficiently. The Honeywell heaters gassed off more quickly than the Optimus heater. We purchased five Honeywell heaters and one suddenly stopped working one day when the breaker tripped, so that heater no longer works. We have not had any problems with the Optimus heater.
    I have had to rely on electric heaters because I have chemical sensitivity and cannot tolerate our natural gas heating system. The natural gas also triggers my arthritis symptoms. A friend of ours who has EHS and chemical sensitivity recently installed some 220V ceramic glass heaters, but I am not sure which brand. Ceramic glass heaters are generally quite expensive, but are supposed to be good for those with chemical sensitivities. Also, to install a 220V heater, it would probably be necessary to hire an electrician.

UPDATE (05.18.13): We recently received a recall notice from for the Optimus heaters we purchased: "The heater design can fail to prevent ignition of nearby combustible materials that come in contact with the unit, posing a fire hazard." And, "The affected products were sold from October 2011 through December 2012 . . . ."

Thursday, January 24, 2013

How to make a shielded keyboard for a person with Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (EHS)

    Soon after I developed EHS, I discovered that it caused me pain to use a computer, and especially a computer keyboard. The longer I used the keyboard, the more pain I experienced. I built a shielded keyboard so that I would be able to use the computer more. My shielded keyboard has worked really well for me and has allowed me to use a computer much more than I could without it. However, I am still limited to about two hours per day.
    With this keyboard, I have been able to do some work from home. In fact, I am using my shielded keyboard to write this article. I will say that it is quite a bit of work to make one of these keyboards and various tools are necessary.

    Here are the steps I took to make my shielded keyboard:

1.    I purchased a Logitech Classic Keyboard 200 from Walmart. I think it cost around $12 to $15. It is good to have a USB keyboard with a long cord (or USB extension cord) so that, if necessary, the keyboard can be positioned a significant distance from the tower and monitor. I have chemical sensitivity and the Logitech keyboard was not a problem for me.

2.    I cut a clear quart-size Ziploc bag down the sides and laid it out full length across the keyboard. I then taped the plastic bag to the keyboard to secure it. After that, I marked the position of each key on the plastic bag with a magic marker. I put a dot in the center of each key. Here is a picture of this process (though it is a different type of keyboard):

3.    Next, I removed the plastic bag from the keyboard and taped the bag to a manila folder. I poked holes in the manila folder for each key (where the dots were) with a push pin. After removing the plastic bag, I then poked each pin hole in the manila folder with a three-inch-long nail to make larger holes. I then taped the manila folder onto the surface that I was using for the keyboard (plastic, mu metal, sheet metal, or other material), and marked the location of each key.

4.    After that, I used an electric drill to drill a hole for each key (someone without EHS should do the drilling). If you are drilling through something thick, such as a thick piece of wood, it is beneficial to use a drill press to make sure the holes are straight. I used a Black and Decker hand drill, and had to drill some holes over again that were crooked.

5.    For the keys, I used plastic rods that were about three inches in length. If I make another keyboard, I would like to try using longer plastic rods. As the distance from the electronic device increases, the electromagnetic field becomes weaker.

6.    I then assembled the shielded keyboard and secured it to the Logitech keyboard.

    Instead of using a laser mouse (which causes me considerable pain), I now use MouseKeys with the numeric keypad to control the pointing device. I should also note that because I have chemical sensitivity, I made one keyboard out of materials that I could put through the dishwasher if they became toxic. There are various materials that can be incorporated into the keyboard to limit electromagnetic radiation, including mu metal. I have purchased mu metal and other materials that can lessen electromagnetic radiation from the following site:   Shop EMF protection and shielding at

Shop EMF Meters & Shielding

Best of luck!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Product Review: NEO 2

    The NEO 2 is a keyboard with a small display screen. (see According to the company website, the NEO 2 can run up to 700 hours on three AA batteries. The NEO 2 reminds me of a big calculator, is very portable, and seems durable. It costs about $100.
    Because I have Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (EHS), I can only use a computer keyboard for a couple of hours per day. I purchased the NEO 2 with the hope that I would be able to use it more than I can use my standard USB keyboard. The NEO does seem to emit significantly less electromagnetic radiation than a typical computer setup with a monitor, tower, keyboard, etc.
    To distance my hands from the keys, I fashioned a keyboard for my NEO 2 so that I could depress a plunger (of a few inches in length) for each key. I attached the USB cable included with the unit to a long USB extension cable so that I could transfer text files from the NEO 2 to my computer from a significant distance.
    As far as I can tell, the NEO 2 cannot browse the Internet. The dana model has quite a bit more functionality as far as software but at a significantly higher price ($350). (
    I also have chemical sensitivity, and the NEO 2 did not cause problems for me in that regard. In sum, the NEO 2 may be a good option to try for someone with EHS. However, I do not want to overstate the case—I still am quite limited in how long I can type on the NEO 2.

Product Review - Cellulon Magic Cube - Projection Keyboard

    Because I have Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (EHS), I can only use a computer keyboard for about two hours per day. The longer I use a keyboard, the more pain I experience. I purchased the Cellulon Magic Cube with the hope that I would be able to use it instead of my USB keyboard. I bought the Magic Cube in November, 2012 for $150. (see
    The Magic Cube projects a laser image of a keyboard onto a table or other flat surface. It uses a motion sensor and infrared technology to detect which keys are being pressed. It also functions as a pointing device.
    Unfortunately, lasers and infrared can cause symptoms in people with EHS. Not long after I turned the device on, I could feel it from across the room. I tested it out but could not use it for very long because of the strong electromagnetic radiation. Based on my limited experience, I did not think the Magic Cube was accurate enough to use as a keyboard, but there are other sites that do a better job of reviewing the accuracy of the device. In sum, this is a nifty gadget, but likely unsuitable for those with EHS.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

How to Build a Sound Tube

Speakers can be powerful electromagnets. They generate significant electromagnetic fields can cause discomfort to those with Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (EHS). It is difficult or impractical to generate sound from an audio device without electromagnetic devices such as speakers.

I have EHS, and I found that the farther I was from a speaker, and the lower the volume, the less I could feel the electromagnetic radiation. Therefore, I built a sound tube so that I could position myself a significant distance (30-35 feet) away from a speaker and still hear the audio. I made a sound tube out of forty feet of PEX tubing. I hooked up an an audio jack from a computer to a very small speaker (with a low volume). I then connected the speaker to one end of the tube with duct tape. I attached a stethoscope to the other end of the tube to use like headphones (see picture below). It worked for about six months really well before I finally became sensitive to it and had to limit my time using it. I began to be sensitive to electromagnetic radiation coming from the tube, and I am not sure whether it was coming through the air or through the tube.

I am chemically sensitive, and the PEX tubing was non-toxic for me. The PVC pipe (which I did not purchase) seemed somewhat toxic to the touch to me. I ran water over the pipes and also through them with a hose before I brought them inside to wash away chemicals. PEX comes in various diameters and I used the one-inch diameter. I purchased the PEX tubing at a local hardware store (Home Depot). PEX pipe bends more than PVC but it does not bend too much, which I thought was important because I read that if a sound tube bends too sharply, sound will not travel through it as well. I also needed the pipe to bend a little to navigate into another room.

A person at the hardware store cut each twenty-foot pipe into two pipes of ten feet each. I used copper connectors to connect the four pipes together to make the sound tube. I then connected the pipe to the walls and ceiling to secure it so that it would be off the floor and out of the way. I have also heard of people using clear Tygon tubing for a sound tube for a phone but I have not tried Tygon myself.

Speaker connected to sound tube:

Copper connector.

Stethoscope connected to end of tube: